what fusemap offers

system features

Our intention is simple: apply artificial intelligence technologies to achieve extraordinary good—for our customers, colleagues, and communities. We see learning algorithms replacing all static rules-based software to help executives make important complex decisions in every company.


Each application has three engines FuseMap senses the current state of your business, predicts what is likely to happen and why, recommends the best action for you to take and executes corrective actions if permission is given.

The Sensory Engine finds patterns in your data and the outside world. It senses risks and opportunities that were hidden before.

The Prediction Engine analyzes billions of possible moves you could take to change this future. Calculate what is likely to happen in your business and why.

The Recommendation Engine surfaces the best actions to meet your objectives. Then the result you select is fed back into FuseBrain to learn and optimize.

The Execution Engine collects the best actions to learn, optimize and execute to achieve a desired objective.

real estate &
property management

Through real-time data analytics, predictive analysis, machine learning and deep learning, FuseMap provides recommendations to increase the efficiency and operational effectiveness of commercial building portfolios.


Workspace Planning & Optimization

BIoT-driven workplace scheduling and office utilization module, it helps companies maximize the use of their office space so that all operations run smoothly at all times.


Asset Mapping & Management

We offer solutions for property managers to identify, inspect, track and manage real estate assets, including maintenance management.


Building Energy & Resource Analytics

FuseMap’s advanced learning processes not only analyze data points within a building but also examine and take into account meteorological data, holiday schedules, even public transport and traffic information to reduce energy waste.


Occupancy Analytics

Our system detects occupant locations, counts, and activity, as well as readings of ambient lighting and motion sensing devices to create actionable data. From our findings, we reduce operating expenses, save energy, and improve safety..


Smart Thermostat Control

Our algorithms use data points to calculate trends and automatically adjust temperature settings in buildings. The smart thermostat control feature effectively identifies and corrects any unnecessary energy usage.


Work Order Analysis

FuseMap analyzes work orders to determine user sentiments and conduct analysis of main requests through language cognition to identify re-ooccuring and severe issues amongst others.


Anomaly Detection

FuseMap works with AI to identify anomalies that don’t conform to expected patterns in data sets to create real-time solutions.


Plug Load Management

The plug load feature enables users to view personalized plug load usage and quantify and regulate individual plug loads.

Smart Enterprise
Energy Management

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Sustainability & Emissions Reporting

Tracks trends in energy and carbon impact to understand consumption patterns and automates reporting for the purpose of complying with benchmarking standards such as Energy Star.

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Building Data Analytics

Identifies energy waste and continuously optimizes building performance, including comfort and energy efficiency via real-time data analytics, predictive analysis and deep learning.

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Benchmarking & Performance Metrics

Analyzes utility data in order to benchmark a building’s energy performance.

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Occupant Engagement

Encourages occupants to become more actively engaged in the buildings where they spend their days by providing them with personalized and local control of their office environment.

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Building Energy Use & Cost Prediction

Implementing deep learning techniques, natural language processing, and predictive modeling, the system then delivers an analysis that can be used to save energy costs.

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Pattern Recognition

Detects patterns in data sets that no human being would be able identify. This helps deliver improvements to every facet of building mechanics and enhances the experience of the occupants.

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Building Energy Use & Cost Analysis

Uses artificial intelligence to analyze energy usage in buildings, recommends improvements, and executes actions as needed to increase operational efficiencies.

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Energy Auditing

Uses image cognition and machine learning to automate the process of energy audits, saving time and providing valuable feedback on a continuous basis.

Smart Manufacturing
& Logistics


every sensor

Our IoT devices plug into almost any kind of machine without the need for PLCs, so your dataset is complete.



We integrate into your existing ERP systems and quality control software so that you get the full production picture.



We take security seriously. All data sent over the network is encrypted and transmitted over a secure VPN connection.



We’re collecting data at a second granularity, which is available in the platform right away.


Unlimited Users

Improvement is most powerful when everyone can take part. Grant access to as many people as you’d like.

for your needs

Smart Integration

Through real-time data analytics, predictive analysis, machine learning and deep learning, FuseMap provides recommendations to increase the efficiency and operational effectiveness of commercial building portfolios. With superior pattern analysis and pattern recognition capabilities, FuseMap merges energy data, temperature data, and occupancy assessment into a ‘big data’ solution that can be utilized for the purpose of workplace optimization and lower energy costs.


smart grid applications

We facilitate the connection between building energy control systems and the Grid by delivering Automated Demand Responseto the building and managing inbound Distributed Energy Resources from into the Smart Grid.


Building Internet of Things

Using computing devices, we can build a network that connects all building services so that a building can be monitored, analyzed, and controlled without the intervention of humans.


Factory Integration

We plug a small data collection device into any machine or PLC that sends information wirelessly to our platform. No obstruction. No new machines. No consultants. Just your data in a cloud-based analytics tool, accessible from any laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

Register now & request a demo

Leverage the power of FuseMap to collect information about how existing systems make use of resources, gain insight into how to improve efficiency and employ automation and controls to create an environment where systems can evolve to be more effective.

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